Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Murphy's Law

Of course when I go bragging to people about how great my immune system has been all winter, I start to get sick. Headache, clammy skin, sore throat, and the inability to sleep that characterizes illness.

I'm supposed to be moving out tomorrow. And watching porn on the big screen too.

It's a rough life being me right now.


Anonymous said...

Wifey is so happy that wifey has decided to fire the blog back up! now i just need to venture to nyc to visit you so you can write of the horrid/fantastic/sketchy tales that follow the wifeys wherever they go. love you long time. xoxo, lu

Anonymous said...


did someone email b to the...?

he'll be delighted!

Smile that smile said...

I am really glad you're back. I sincerely missed you and hope you do update a lot.